Linking local volunteers with local needs


Syston and District Volunteer Centre would like to announce that they have been awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service for 2019. We wish to thank all of our Trustees, Staff and especially our volunteers for all of their hard work and dedication that they have shown.


We are accepting volunteers for 2024.


We also would like to announce that we have been awarded The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee award for 2022. We wish to thank all of our Trustees, Staff and especially our volunteers for all of their hard work and dedication that they have shown.


We are grateful for any support


Syston and its neighbouring communities are exceptionally well-served by the number of currently active support groups. This Directory, the result of intensive research by the Volunteer Centre, features some of these organisations, many of them led by volunteers, offering social, cultural, sporting, educational, financial, medical, health and emotional support to those in need and, enhancing the quality of life for people of all ages. Many of these groups operate “under the radar” with a great deal of work being put in by small but dedicated groups of volunteers. As a result, too many local residents “suffer in silence”, experiencing great inconvenience, distress and loneliness simply through ignorance of what support is available locally.

This Directory is designed to “signpost” those in need to appropriate sources of valuable support.


While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this Directory, please remember that Committees and Officers change and the Volunteer Centre depends on notifications of such changes by the organisations in order to make necessary amendments.

If you would like your organisation to be added to the Directory – or if you wish to notify any required changes to your existing record – please Click Here to download a form, in Microsoft Word (.doc) format. Then complete and return the form to

AAction on Elder Abuse (Hourglass)t: 0808 808 8141Protecting and preventing the abuse of vulnerable older adults
Adult Social Care, LCCt: 0116 3050 004
Age Concern SystonYvonne Derrye: range of support services for the elderly
t: 0116 2601 476
Age UKt: 0116 299 2233Information, advice, domiciliary care, DIY, day care, advocacy services
e: Road bookshop
Al-Anon Family Groupst: 0800 008 6811Help and hope for families and friends of alcoholics
Allotment Society, SystonRichard Thorpet: 07973 443 945
Alzheimer’s Society, Leics and Rutlandt: 0116 231 6921/1111Advice, information, support to improve the quality of life of people suffering from dementia
Anti-social behaviour support line, Charnwood BCt: 01509 634 533
Art Society, Birstall & DistrictElaine Wisee: sec@badas.ukA sociable group of Members of all ages who draw and paint in a variety of styles and mediums with varying degrees of skill. Informal get-togethers on Wednesday evenings (Wanlip Village Hall) and Friday mornings (Co-op Sports & Social Club, Birstall) in an informal and friendly atmosphere. Live art demonstration evenings are held monthly together with two series of art classes in Winter and outdoor sketching in Summer.
BBaby Massagee:
Baldwin TrustCatherine Johnsone: charity offering narrowboat trips
Barnardo’st: 0116 2769 242A children's charity that protects and supports children and young people in the UK who need us. We help bring out the best in them.
Beading, North LeicsAnna Bromleye: ambromley@gmail.comMeetings twice monthly
Bereavement Support – SystonM Oswine:
Bereavement Support - New Chapter, ThurmastonLin Belle: afternoons at Thurmaston Memorial Hall. Small Thurmaston-based group meeting weekly, offering advice and support following bereavement. Wide range of social activities organised.
t: 07886 492 240
Bird Watching - Rothley & BirstallJack Woottont: 0791 312 9497Monthly meetings with speakers
Blossom Home CareJess Buckinghame: Home Care is a family-run business that provides premium personalised care to the elderly and other adults with home care requirements1. We offer services such as dementia care, live-in care, respite care and more.. Blossom Home Care lets you carry on being you, on your terms, where you most want to be: in your own home, surrounded by everything that’s precious to you. What sets us apart from other home care providers is the passionate emphasis we place on truly holistic care. All clients receive a completely tailored service during minimum 50 minute visits, which fully meets their individual needs, wants and wishes – all of which are delivered by the best home carers in the country.
Bowling Club, Fossewaye:
Bowling Club, SilebyJane Eamese:
Bowling Club, St MargaretsCarolyn/Johnt: 0116 267 5947
Bowling Club, SystonVal Foremane: systonbowling@btinternet.comOffering all ages opportunities to gain and develop skills, make friends and enjoy a year-round social programme in our clubhouse. Free coaching with equipment provided.
t: 0116 2609 635
Bowling Club, Thurmastone:
Brain Tumour CharityLiam Mackindert: 07944 680 914Committed to saving and improving lives, moving further, faster to help every single person affected by a brain tumour. Finding new treatments, offering the highest level of support and driving urgent change.
Bridge Prime e: exercise for Seniors – Group and individual
t: 0116 3960 007
British Institute of Learning Disabilitiest: 0121 415 6960Committed to improving the lives of people with a learning disability
CCancer ResearchSue Boweyt: 0808 800 4040 (Freephone)
Loughboro' Shopt: 01509 219791
Cancer Self-Help Group, LoughboroughEileen Hendersont: 07816 316 6442Companionship for cancer sufferers plus those affected by it. Up-to-date information about conventional and complementary therapies. Speakers, Workshops, Outings. Helping other o help themselves.
Charnwod Borough Councilt: 01509 634 560/01509 263 151
Charnwood Lifelinet: 01509 643970
Bootst: 0116 269 8218
Sunlitt: 0116 260 2695
East Goscote Pharmacyt: 0116 260 6734
Cerebral PalsySusan Frickere: Palsy UK provides support by offering impartial information on a broad range of subjects that people affected by CP should find useful
Chess Club, SystonBrian Galligane: briangalligan@ymail.comWeekly meetings in Syston. Participation in 4 local Leagues. Free instruction for beginners. Chess for fun.
t: 07305 374 531
Children’s Social Caret: 0116 305 0005
Churches Together, SystonTheresa Morgane: churchestogethersyston2023@gmail.comChurches Together represent the Anglican, Roman Catholic and Methodist churches of Syston. We show harmony, follow the same God and work together to show that we are different and yet the same.
Baptist Church, SystonAnthony Andersone: systonbaptist@gmail.comSunday gospel services. Parent/child Bible study. Women’s group meetings. Senior Citizens’ meetings
Broadway Gospel HallChris Ciocae: services; coffee mornings; rooms for hire; baptisms, weddings and funerals
Methodist Church, SystonRev J D Yovant: 0116 260 3296
t: 0759 792 1051
Room hire: Trevor Solway
t: 07742 788 795
St Peter and St Paul’s ChurchRev B Saunders e: familymorgan7@btinternet.comSt Peter and St Paul’s church offers a warm welcome to people of all ages to their services held on Sunday at 10am and Wednesday at 9:30am. We are often open for events such as: Saturday 9th September 10 – 4 100 years of weddings Heritage open day and cream teas. Wednesday afternoons craft and chat in the church hall, 2pm – 4pm
Citizens Advice Bureaut: 01509 649 605/03444 111 444 (legal advice)/Expert advice on a wide range of problems connected with modern living.
01509 221 228 (Financial advice)/
0800 144 8848 (General advice line)
Community Advice and Law Service (CALS)e: organisation providing free information and advice on debt, housing and welfare benefits
t: 0116 242 1120
Community Food ProjectSyston Evangelical Baptist Churcht: 07395 054 771Open Tuesdays 11.00 a.m. to middday
Community Men 2 Men BuddiesChris Hille: offers male buddy support with helping older men get out and about to enjoy fun and interesting activities, especially those that appeal to men – escorting to sporting events, pubs, café, seaside day trips, visit family members, accessing educational opportunities etc or accompanying to appointments.
t: 07840 584 296
Conservative Club, Systont: 0116 2605 775Members’ Club. Public function rooms for hire. Full weekly social programme open to all.
Crime Stopperst: 0800 555 111
DDementia Adventuret: 01245 237 548Provides supported and subsidised outdoor break holidays for people with dementia and their family and friends.
Diabetes UK Charlotte Wrighte: range of support services for diabetes sufferers
t: 0788 555 7009
FFalcon Support ServicesJacqueline Saxelby-Smithe: services to the homeless and others in need including supported accommodation.
t: 07548 763 505
Family Activity Group, SystonStut: 07970 034 597Fortnightly meetings (Tuesdays) offering a very wide range of activities
First Contact Pluse: and well-being advice in Leicestershire. Advice on staying healthy and living independently.
BirstallSylviat: 0116 267 4206
Carol McManust: 0116 267 1437
Meltont: 01664 812 636
Fly tipping reportst: 01509 634 564
Food Bank, Syston e: Café, High Street, Syston Open 2.00 – 3.30 p.m.
t: 0808 208 2138
Fosse Company of Archerse:
Fosse Fitnesse:
FRIENDSHIP GROUPSWeekly meetings offering respite care to carers and parents of those with learning difficulties and disabilities. Wide range of activities organised.
Anne Cartert: 07889 903 907
East GoscoteGill Mortont: 0116 260 1977Group of over50’s meeting twice monthly in St Hilda’s Church Hall
Lavender Club, Thurmastont: 0756 115 6675/0333 011 2406Over 50’s Group meeting weekly in Thurmaston Community Centre
Friends of Barkby Road CemeteryCatherine Voycee:
t: 0116 2607 150
Furnley House FoundationStefan Furae: and financial aid for local community projects
GGamble Funeralse:
t: 0116 260 7500
Games Club, SystonBev Taylore: bevtaylor176@talktalk.netMeet at Syston Community Centre every Tuesday 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. to enjoy a variety of indoor games
t: 0116 319 8931
Lizt: 01509 816 541
Gardening Club, BrooksbyJosiet: 0116 2601 478
Madeleinet: 0116 260 5539
Green Partye:
t:07732 632 576
Greener GoscoteDavid Cannont: 0787 385 2372Volunteer group providing education on nature and environment projects
Grow, Give, LiveLouise Jaggarde:
HHappy SmilesSandrae:
t: 0798 321 6372
Jubilee Practicet: 0116 295 0600
County Practicet: 0116 295 0900
District Nurses/Health Visitorst: 0300 300 7777
Healthwatch LeicesterDulna Shahide: dulna.s@healthwatchll.comMonitoring local health and social care services
t: 07732 683 462
Heritage Healthcaree:
Home Instead, CharnwoodAmy Bloxhame: quality home care services to help sustain personal independence
t: 0116 2216 5306
Homeshare LeicsRoo Peakee: hello@homeshareleicestershire.orgConnecting people looking for companionship and a helping hand around the home with people looking for safe and affordable accommodation. Homeowners provide safe and affordable accommodation in return for 10 hours per week of assistance around the home, support with accessing the community or companionship. Homesharers will not provide personal care services. Homeshare Leicestershire will complete references, DBS checks and support the placement throughout to ensure all parties remain safe and happy.
t: 07837 301 726
Glenfieldt 0300 303 1573
Leics Generalt: 0300 303 1573
Leics Royal Infirmaryt: 0300 303 1573
HotPod Yogae:
t: 07847 264 382
Independent Aget: 0800 319 6789Provides a wide range of guides and factsheets for older people, their families and carers
Indoor BowlsC Palmert: 07506 109 549
Inter CareClaudia Coxone: supply aid to sub-Saharan Africa
t: 0116 2695 925
KKickboxing Club, SystonBrent Pennistone:
t: 01664 562 286
Kidney ResearchCarole Abrahame:
Kids Around Dogse:
LLadies’ Club, ThurmastonElsat: 07719 743 411
Eileent: 0745 560 4296
Lavender Clube:
Leicestershire County Councilt: 0116 2323 232
Liberal Democratic Party,
Lighthouse ProjectJoanne Inchleyt: 07873 912 802Based at The Bridge, Leicester, The Lighthouse Project provides 1:1 support for anyone who has been homeless or is vulnerably house. We cover the whole of Leicestershire, including Syston, and we are currently looking for volunteer mentors.
Systont: 0116 305 3500
Local Energy Advice Programmet: 0800 060 7567Free in-home advice on keeping arm and reducing energy bills for those at risk of fuel poverty
SystonRay Younge:
t: 0116 2609 663
BarkbySandra Mooree:
t: 0116 236 3739
Lonsdale MewsJenny Cartwrighte: jenny.cartwright@careuk.comResidential care home offering long-term and respite care services
t: 01509 278 900
LOROSKaty Heathcotee: (Shop)Inpatient and outpatient services for adults with incurable disease including Wellbeing drop in day therapy, Day therapy, Counselling, 31 bed inpatient ward.Research & education – Free Summer school x 3 a year for 16-18 yr olds who have an interest in a health care profession – please contact Fundraising activities LOROS shop in Syston Volunteering opportunities
MMacmillan Cancer SupportLeics Royal Infirmaryt: 0116 2586 189We provide services for people living with cancer at every stage of their cancer experience. We are here to provide emotional, practical, physical, and financial support.
MADS GroupBev Johnsone: madsgroup@hotmail.comActive support services and weekly social meetings for people afflicted with mental health problems, anxiety or depression
t: 07763 731 855
Make and Play - SystonSamanthae:
Marie Curie, LeicestershireHinckley Cntret: 01455613 755Bereavement Support Service is a nationwide free listening service for people grieving the loss of loved ones from terminal illness.
MASONIC LODGES,Kindness and charitable giving through fundraising and charitable work, Members committed to making a positive contribution to the communities in which they live.
Syston Lodge
Bradgate Lodge e:
t: 0116 2605 950
Menopause Café, SystonTraceyt: 0793 412 2480Monthly meetings at The Pharmacie, Syston
Message in a Bottlet: 0121 441 4544Scheme, organised by Lions Clubs International, allows for an indiividual’s personal and medical information to be easily accessible to emergency services
Meynell & Family FuneralsChris Meynelle: funeral directors
t: 0116 260 7954
MIND, LeicesterVienna Hironse: the mental health and wellbeing of communities across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
t: 0116 319 1217
Model Railway Societye:
NNational Association of Funeral Directorst: 0121 711 1343
Neighbourhood Mental Health CafeTracey Pollarde: Mental Health Cafés offer local support for people who need immediate help with their mental health. The cafés are drop-in centres for anyone to come and talk about their mental health – no appointment needed. Syston Neighbourhood Mental Health Café is supporting the town and the surrounding areas makes the perfect place for someone to be able to access mental health support in their local area, without having to travel into the city. The café provides a local,welcoming, safe space for socialising with various individual or group activities, and a confidential area for 1:2:1 support. A barista coffee van attends each café, offering free hot drinks to anyone seeking a listening ear which goes a long way to helping people feel more supported and positive about their future
t: 07752 183 044
NL BeadersA Bromleye:
NSPCCt: 0116 2347 200The NSPCC is the UK's leading children's charity, preventing abuse and helping those affected to recover.
OOver The Hill Walking GroupDave Goodert: 0116 2856 271
Oxfam, Systone:
PParkinsons UKGraham Lovet: 0808 800 0303
Linda EvansWe offer information, friendship and support to local people with Parkinson's, their families and carers. Monthly on 1st Tuesday 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. in the Community Centre.
Leicester Groupt: 01162 600826
Patient Participation Group, SystonGloria Blisse: gloria.bliss@GP-C82042.nhs.netPatient advisory body to County Practice, Syston.
Pension Wiset: 0800 138 3944Free and impartial government advice for the over 50s about pension options.
POhWERt: 0300 456 2370Independent mental health capacity advocacy services
Police Community Officerst: 101
Poppies Memory Cafet: 0116 2237 363
PROSTaidRob Bannere: all patients with prostate cancer
t: 0116 2888 188
Helpline: 0844 807 801
Prostaid – Birstall Support GroupNicki Bakewellt: 0116 2584 490
QQT Theatre Groupe: qtsyston@gmail.comWeekly meetings in the Old Chapel, Syston. New members welcome to support two productions per year.
RRadfield HomecareSona Bharkhadae: range of social care services . (personal, dementia, respite) for older people enabling them to remain in their own home. Medication supervision, domestic support, companionship through individual and group activities.
t: 0116 4810 520
Railway SocietyM Chapmane: topscore@mac.comMonthly meetings At Braunstone Civic Centre
t: 0116 260 3336
Brian Hollandt: 0116 236 8328
Rainbows, Loughboroughe: charity provides palliative care and support for children, young people, and their families, when faced with life-limiting conditions.The hospice, which is located in Loughborough, Leicestershire is a purpose designed and built  children's hospice.
t: 01509 638000
Re-cycling issuest: 01509 634 563
Reflexology, Healing TouchMariel Thomase:
t: 07840 543 893
Re-set Yogae:
Rotary Club of Wreake ValleyFiona Pimme: fpimm59@gmail.comActive support (financial/manpower) for local and international communities. New Members welcome.
t: 07594 0334 4774
Royal British LegionJohn Collise: johncollis123@outlook.comSupport for military veterans and supporting cadet forces
Royal Voluntary Services (RVS)e: help you make the transition from hospital to home giving you confidence to live independently
RSPBe: group’s aim is to actively support the work of the RSPB in the local community, and to involve RSPB members and the wider public in the Society’s conservation, public affairs, education, fundraising and other activities. We have monthly indoor meetings held locally between September and May, as well as monthly coach trips to various nature reserves. So, if you would like to have fun and meet like-minded people, contact us and help make a difference for birds and wildlife. National Lottery funded multi-charity employability project. Careers advice, on-line courses, business start-up advice.
Rural Community CouncilTracey Pollarde:
t: 07752 183 044
SSailing Club, SystonJez Lewise: rsa.sailing@outlook.comOffering opportunities to sail competitively or informally. Learn-to-Sail courses for adults and juniors. Active social programme. Affiliated to NYI the national governing body.
t: 07740 643 969
Salvation Armye:
t: 0116 2700 007/116 123 (24 hr support)
Scopee: range of support services for those affected by cerebral palsy
t: 0808 880 3333
Scouts, SystonChris Bodycote:
Senior Citizens Playgroup, ThurmastonPatt: 0116 2694 938
Maureent: 0116 2611 419
Silver Line, Thet: 0800 470 809024hour helpline for over 55’s helping to combat loneliness by providing friendship, information and advice.
Singing for FunCaroline Sharpee: info@carolinesharpe.comThursday afternoons term time only. 2.15 to 4.15 p.m. Elizabeth Centre, Thurmaston
t: 0776 215 4900
Slimming World, BirstallHelent: 07949 123 898
Soar Valley Food Projectt: 07395 054 771Help with family feeding
SSAFAt: 0800 731 4880UK’s oldest national tri-service military charity supporting the well-being of armed forces personnel, veterans and their families to ensure that their dignity and independence is upheld.
Stroke AssociationJennifer Kinge: range of advice and support services for those who have suffered or have been affected by a stroke.
Sue Rydere: loughborough5006@sueryder.orgWe support people through the most difficult times of their lives. Whether that’s a terminal illness, the loss of a loved one or a neurological condition – we’re there when it matters. Our doctors, nurses and carers give people the compassion and expert care they need to help them live the best life they possibly can.
Sue Young Cancer CareCourtney Nanglee: and emotional support for anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis. Services include befriending, counselling, complementary therapy, health and well-being activities.
t: 0116 223 0055
Summer Fayre, SystonFionae: showcase for local organisations with stalls and entertainment organised by a team of volunteers.
e: 0116 269 3221
THorace A Taylor FundSecretarye: trustadmin@charity-link.orgOffering financial assistance to low-income residents of Syston and to local community organisations for projects beneficial to the local community.
t: 0116 222 2200
Together Against CancerLisa Kalethae: therapies such as reiki, reflexology, massage and hydroxy therapy, Emotional support via well-being counselling/coaching. Emotional Freedom techniques. Educational workshops with guest speakers. On-line hub with cooking videos, meditation techniques and more. Support to cancer patients up to 3 years after treatment.
Valerie Viott: 0116 246 0195
Tots at Tene: Totsat10@gmail.comTerm time only
Town Council, SystonCatherine Voycet: 0116 2607 150The Council’s responsibilities cover a modern Community Centre, five parks, five football pitches, a sports pavilion, a skate park, BMX track, the Millennium bridge and two Cemeteries. It is also responsible for the maintenance of trees in the town and for floral displays in the town centre and parks. Syston Town Council strives to make Syston a better place to live, work and visit.
e: Town Council strives to make Syston a better place to live, work and visit.
Thrummy Drummers Dementia GroupMinisha Chauhane:
Town Band/Swing Band/Chris Moore FoundationEmma Gibsone: and swing bands offering lively performances. Full tuition offered to new players. The Chris Moore Foundation offers financial support for the purchase of instruments and tuition for younger players.
t: 07903 816 043
Twinning Association, SystonFiona Henryt: 0116 260 9744
Uu3a, Syston and DistrictClive Iliffee: sadu3achair@gmail.comOffering special interest groups covering a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities and interests to those no longer in full-time employment.
t: 07399 518 125
VVISTARayhana Brydsone: rayhana.brydson@vistablind.og.ukAs well as rehabilitation and residential homes, Vista provides specialist services for people with learning disabilities, dementia and dual sensory impairment.We're there at the point of diagnosis, supporting children and adults in eye clinics by providing information, advice, guidance and support when it's most needed.We teach people with sight loss new skills and provide specialist equipment and tools. Our qualified specialist staff have a wealth of experience in supporting people with sight loss to develop important practical, social and emotional skills, building their confidence and independence.
Victim FirstJasmine Wilkinsont: 0800 953 9595Providing support for victims and witnesses of crime across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
Voluntary Action, Leicester (VAL)t: 0116 257 5050A charity working to better lives of local residents through helping them to work, into training and volunteering opportunities
Volunteer Centre, Syston and DistrictAndy Sheltone: info@syston-vc.orgPromoting personal independence and community and family ties through the provision of subsidised transport and other volunteer-led services.
t: 0116 2607 888
WWarning Zone LimitedSara Shawe: dangers and training in life skills for young people
t: 0116 2629 739
WatermeadRose Care HomeAarti Popate: of mind that expert, professional nursing care is always available to meet the health care needs of your loved one. Nursing, residential, respite, dementia and bariatric needs care services are available. Every resident needs to feel safe, supported, understood and cherished. We call it ‘person-centric’ care. Discover the difference a short stay can make – just the tonic, for loved ones and their primary carers.
Watermead SingersCaroline Sharpee: info@carolinesharpe.comFriendly Community Choir
Wellbeing Group, SystonTinat: 07465 938 146Self-help Group for depression and anxiety
New BarkbyShirley Frankline: cygnetpersonnel@aol.comMonthly meeting for women at Community Centre on 1st Wednesday of each month starting at 7.30 p.m. offering fun and friendship alongside a speaker/activity.
t: 0116 260 8498
Barkby & Beebyt: 0116 269 2756Third Tuesday of the month at Barkby Village Hall 7.30 p.m.
Charnwood Sharon Astillt: 07849 888 752Last Thursday of the month 7.30 p.m. at Beedles Lakes Golf Club
Wildlife Trust, Leics & Rutlande: Leicestershire and Rutland’s precious wildlife and wild places. A community of like-minded people who are helping to protect wildlife, care for our nature reserves, restore and reconnect wild places, inspire people about nature, educate future conservationists and campaign for wildlife.
t: 0116 262 9968
Wreake RunnersDaniel Gadsbye: and friendly club. Bi-weekly meetings in Memorial Park. Runners of all ages and abilities welcome. Varied social programme. Supervised, structured training sessions.
t: 07958 400 433
YYard Sale, Systone: systonyardsale1@gmail.comAnnual community “declutter” sale of unwanted goods on home driveways
Young at Heart GroupYvonne Derrye: Weekly social activities for the elderly and housebound. Hot meal provided. Transport can be arranged.
T: 0116 2601476

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